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1.1. Introduction

Faculty are professionals employed by 正澳门六合彩记录资料 (正澳门六合彩记录资料,鈥渢he University鈥) to perform teaching and other academic responsibilities commensurate with the missions and goals of the University. 鈥淧rofessional鈥 is construed to mean a person who, because of competence in a discipline, has the ability and responsibility to impart knowledge through effective teaching, other assigned activities, or both, and to engage in research and creative endeavors in an impartial and judicious manner.

The definitions set forth here apply to all provisions of this Handbook.

Related 正澳门六合彩记录资料 policy:

1.2. Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty

Full-time tenure-track faculty are probationary or tenured faculty who hold the academic rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor, and who teach a full course load as stipulated by the University, or whose academic assignment is more than 50% within an academic department or program. Department chairs or school directors who hold faculty status are full-time, tenure-track faculty. Reassigned time does not remove a person from full-time, tenure-track faculty status.

1.3. Full-Time Teaching Faculty 

Full-time teaching faculty hold the rank of Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, or Teaching Professor. Teaching faculty perform full-time teaching and service duties as stipulated by the University and their appointment form. Teaching faculty are not appointed to a probationary or tenured position, and at no point will accrue time toward tenure. 

Faculty holding a teaching appointment are generally hired as an Assistant Teaching Professor with a minimum one-year appointment. Subsequent teaching faculty contracts are renewed for an additional two-year (Assistant Teaching Professor) or three-year (Associate Teaching Professor and Teaching Professor) appointment, contingent on positive annual performance reviews as well as support from the department/program chair and dean/director/vice provost. The performance review process is on the normal schedule, based upon duties as stipulated in the appointment form. Notification of non-renewal of appointment must be made to the faculty member by March 31.

Faculty holding teaching appointments are employed as the result of an internal or external search process. At the end of five years in the position, a full-time Assistant Teaching Professor is eligible for promotion to Associate Teaching Professor. After five years in the position, an Associate Teaching Professor is eligible for promotion to Teaching Professor. Criteria for promotion to Associate Teaching Professor and Teaching Professor will be established in writing by each academic unit, subject to the approval of the appropriate dean, director, or vice provost.

The recommendation for promotion will be made by the head of the academic unit, with input from the faculty, during the normal performance review in the fifth year (Associate Teaching Professor) or tenth year (Teaching Professor) of the faculty member鈥檚 appointment, or in subsequent years in case of a negative recommendation. The recommendation (positive or negative) will be forwarded to the appropriate dean, director, or vice provost, who will make the final decision. 

Revised: Fac. Senate, 5.3.2024/BoR, 6.12.2024, Pres. Rec. C-11, p. 138-141: Updated position titles and renewal timeframes; the previous heading of this section was "Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track, Renewable (NTTR) Faculty" and the position titles were formerly Lecturer, Lecturer II, and Senior Lecturer. 

1.4. Full-Time Visiting Faculty 

Full-time visiting faculty hold the rank appropriate to their credentials and teaching experience. Normally the appointment rank will be Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Visiting Associate Teaching Professor, or Visiting Teaching Professor. Visiting faculty will perform full-time duties as stipulated by the University, but they are not appointed to a probationary or tenured position. At no point will appointees to these positions accrue time toward tenure. 

Full-time visiting faculty are expected to carry a full course load and to perform all the duties associated with these teaching responsibilities. Departments/schools may invite them to faculty meetings and may involve them in appropriate committees; they are expected to attend any meetings related to their teaching. Any other assignments or responsibilities should be specified by the department/program chair at the time of appointment and are subject to the approval of the dean, director, or vice provost. Departments/schools may use this category to employ faculty who have no teaching responsibilities, e.g., grant-supported researchers or postdoctoral associates. 

Faculty holding a visiting appointment are appointed on a one-year basis. A visiting faculty position appointment may be made after consultation between the department/program chair and the dean, director, or vice provost, with approval by the provost. Visiting faculty appointments are one-year, temporary, terminal appointments that can be repeated.

Full-time visiting faculty are provided with Social Security contributions by the University. In addition, health insurance is provided by the University if the appointment is full-time for the complete academic year. If the appointment is full-time for less than one complete academic year, health insurance is provided by the University as needed to comply with local, state, or federal laws or regulations.

Revised: Fac. Senate, 5.3.2024/BoR, 6.12.2024, Pres. Rec. C-11, p. 138-141: Updated position titles; the previous heading of this section was "Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track, Temporary (NTTT) Faculty" and the position titles were formerly lecturer, adjunct professor, or visiting professor. 

1.5. Part-Time Faculty

    1.5.1. Part-Time Temporary Faculty

    Part-time temporary faculty are faculty members who teach less than a full course load in a given semester, as determined and assigned by the University. Part-time temporary faculty may not be appointed to probationary or tenured positions. These faculty are expected to carry out all of the teaching duties associated with their class(es), including grading and office hours. They may also be asked to meet with faculty who teach other sections of the course(s). 

    1.5.2. Part-Time Tenure-Track and Tenured Appointments

    While tenure-track and tenured appointments are usually full time, 正澳门六合彩记录资料 recognizes the importance of flexibility of employment so that faculty can better manage the balance between their professional work and personal obligations, either over a defined period of time or permanently. This policy is intended to encourage departments/schools to accommodate reasonable requests for part-time appointments; however, part time appointments are not an entitlement, and requests may be turned down when the faculty member and the department/school cannot agree upon a workable plan.

    Tenure-track faculty members may request a temporary (with specific starting and ending dates) part-time appointment for reasons of balancing work and family such as the arrival or care of a child, the care of a family member, for personal circumstances related to the health of the faculty member, or, in certain circumstances in order to maintain certification in a clinical field. A term part-time appointment requires the issue to be revisited on an annual basis. The mandatory tenure year will be adjusted accordingly.

    Tenured faculty members may request either temporary or permanent part-time appointments for reasons stated above, or to balance work at 正澳门六合彩记录资料 with professional practice or significant community or public service. Examples include a professor who wishes to serve as a consultant in addition to an appointment at 正澳门六合彩记录资料; a professor who wishes to engage in entrepreneurial activity outside of university responsibilities; or a professor who runs for public office for a limited term and wishes to reduce the workload at 正澳门六合彩记录资料 for that period. Other reasonable justifications may be considered if approved by the department head or chair/school director, dean, and provost.

    Part-time appointments are made for any fraction 50 percent or greater of a full appointment; faculty members receive proportional salary. Faculty members considering such appointments are strongly encouraged to meet with representatives in the benefits office in the Department of Human Resources to gain a clear understanding of any potential impact on their benefits. Likewise, the allocation of university resources, such as office and lab space, will be negotiated as part of the written agreement.

    Faculty members on part-time appointments, whether term or permanent, retain all rights and responsibilities attendant to their appointment as a tenured faculty member. Temporary Part-Time Tenure-Track and Tenured Appointments

    Temporary part-time appointments are made for increments of one academic year. During the duration of the year, conditions of the appointment may be changed only with the written agreement of all parties. A temporary part-time appointment must specify the date on which the faculty member is expected to return to full-time status. Renewal of a temporary part-time appointment should be negotiated no less than three months before the end of the current academic year so that the department/school can plan accordingly.

    Only the faculty member may initiate a request for conversion from full-time to part-time appointment. The reasons for the request should be clearly stated on the request form (provided on the Academic Affairs website). The department chair/school director should make a careful assessment of the needs of the department/school and, in consultation with the dean, work with the faculty member requesting the part-time appointment to facilitate the request whenever possible.

    The written agreement should include a statement of work expectations for the part-time appointment. Generally, faculty members continue to contribute to all areas of responsibility, but with reduced expectations for accomplishment proportional to the fractional appointment. Service responsibilities for faculty members on part-time appointments are generally proportional to their appointments. Faculty members on part-time appointments are not excused from regular departmental/school, college, or university service because of the part-time appointments.

    The written agreement for either an initial appointment or a conversion of a full-time appointment to part-time status and any subsequent renewal requires the approval of the faculty member, department chair/school director, dean, and provost.

    An initial temporary part-time appointment, either tenured or tenure-track, may be approved consistent with the intent of this policy. The expectation is that the subsequent reappointment, if recommended, is for a full-time position, unless the faculty member requests a renewal of the temporary part-time appointment in accordance with these guidelines.

    The mandatory tenure year will be set upon the initial hire. This date will normally reflect an adjustment relevant to the percentage of appointment (for example, a 50% appointment would apply for tenure no later than year 12; a 75% appointment would apply for tenure in year 9, etc.). However, adjustments will need to be made if the percentage of appointment fluctuates during the pre-tenure period and these adjustments will need to be approved in writing by the department chair/school director, dean, and provost. The Office of the Provost is responsible for keeping track of the mandatory tenure year for all pre-tenure faculty and for communicating that tenure year, in writing, to each part-time tenure-track candidate. Permanent Part-Time Tenure-Track and Tenured Appointments

    For permanent part-time tenured appointments with no end date, a return to a full-time appointment is not guaranteed and the faculty member remains entitled to the tenured appointment on the part-time basis only. However, an increase in the percent of the appointment up to full-time may be renegotiated between the faculty member and department chair/school director if mutually agreeable and funds are available. The department/school and the college determine the best way to cover the costs of the academic work in the case of conversion to a permanent part-time appointment.

1.6. Librarians

Full-time librarians employed by the University in faculty positions are full-time tenure-track faculty; full-time teaching faculty; or full-time visiting faculty. Part-time librarians employed by the University in faculty positions are part-time faculty (See Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5).

Edited: Updated position titles to reflect 2024 changes to Sections 1.3 and 1.4 ("to "teaching faculty" and "visiting faculty" from "non-tenure-track renewable (NTTR)" and "non-tenure track temporary (NTTT) faculty") 
Revised: Fac. Senate, 12.11.2020/BoR, 5.12.2021 (added non-tenure-track renewable and temporary faculty and updated referenced sections) 


1.7. Special-Appointment Faculty

    1.7.1. Emeritus Faculty

    The 鈥渆meritus鈥 designation is a way of honoring retired faculty or administrators who held faculty rank. Such persons hold the faculty title and rank held immediately prior to their retirement, followed by the title 鈥渆meritus.鈥 Emeritus status may be granted upon or after retirement and is conferred by the Board of Regents, following the process set forth in Section 2.11 鈥淓meritus Appointments鈥.

    Revised: Fac. Senate, 1.16.2020/BoR, 3.18.2020 (clarified the process and removed requirement of tenure)

    1.7.2. Guest Faculty

    Guest faculty are persons who hold a temporary appointment for an academic year, a semester, or a shorter term, as designated in their letter of appointment. Normally such persons hold a faculty appointment at another university or college. Such persons hold an appropriate rank preceded by the designation 鈥済uest.鈥

    Revised: Fac. Senate, 5.3.2024/BoR, 6.12.2024, Pres. Rec. C-11, p. 138-141: Updated position title from "visiting" to "guest".

    1.7.3. Adjunct Faculty

    Adjunct faculty are fully qualified research, teaching, or creative persons who are paid more than 50% of their salary from non-University sources such as grant funds, but who contribute significantly to teaching, research, or service. Where the rank of Professor does not appear to be suitable, 鈥渁djunct鈥 will be added to the appropriate rank.

    1.7.4. Endowed Chairs and Named Professorships

    A named professorship is a faculty position endowed primarily by outside sources and awarded to an individual who meets all the criteria for the rank of Professor and has acquired a national reputation for excellence in instruction and scholarship in the discipline in which the named professor is appointed.

    1.7.5. Professors of Practice

    The professor of practice series provides for non-tenure-track faculty appointments for individuals who bring specialized expertise to the instructional programs of the University, thereby complementing the qualifications and contributions of tenure-track faculty. Individuals appointed to these ranks are expected to be successful and effective professionals in a given field. They must be effective teachers of the discipline and are expected to be able to understand and evaluate the research that applies to their field and to teach it to students. While professor of practice faculty members may conduct research and present their findings in professional venues, there are no expectations for an extensive research program as is typical of tenure-track faculty appointments.

    Individuals appointed to a professor of practice rank must have a graduate or professional degree in the discipline (or a related discipline), professional certification(s) if relevant, and/or significant professional experience. A record of significant professional achievement is expected for appointment at the Associate Professor or Professor level; initial appointments at such ranks require approval of the appropriate departmental/school committee and head or chair/director. Appointment to one of these ranks may be from one to five years and is renewable without limit. Tenure will not be awarded at any of these ranks.

    Creation of a professor of practice faculty line and further detail on the duties and responsibilities of these ranks; criteria and the process for appointment, reappointment, and promotion; and the terms and conditions of employment for professors of practice (including Assistant Professors of Practice and Associate Professors of Practice) must be established and approved by the faculty of the respective academic departments/schools or programs and approved by the applicable chair/director and dean. The professor of practice ranks include Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Assistant Professor of Practice

    Persons appointed at the Assistant Professor of Practice rank have a graduate or professional degree in the discipline (or a related discipline), professional certification(s) if relevant, and/or significant professional experience. Experience and a demonstrated competence in practice of the profession are expected. Credentials must be relevant to the field and type of assignment. Associate Professor of Practice

    Persons appointed at the Associate Professor of Practice rank have a graduate or professional degree in the discipline (or a related discipline), professional certification(s) if relevant, and/or significant professional experience. Credentials for appointment or promotion to this rank must document a record of significant professional experience and accomplishments relevant to the field and type of assignment. Professor of Practice 

    Professor of Practice is the capstone rank in the series. Appointment to this rank denotes distinguished professional achievement, and regional, national, or international prominence in the field. Credentials for appointment or promotion to this rank must document a record of significant professional experience and accomplishments relevant to the field and type of assignment. External validation of such accomplishments and leadership in the field is expected at the time of appointment or promotion.

    1.7.6. Clinical Faculty

    Faculty members with responsibilities primarily in instruction and/or service in a clinical setting, such as nursing, are considered clinical faculty. The following clinical faculty appointments are intended to promote and retain clinical educators and to complement the clinical activities of the university. While clinical faculty may conduct clinical research and present their findings in professional venues, there are no expectations for an extensive research program as is typical of tenure-track faculty appointments. Tenure cannot be earned in these ranks.

    Creation of a clinical faculty line and further detail on the duties and responsibilities of these ranks; criteria and the process for appointment, reappointment, and promotion; and the terms and conditions of employment for clinical faculty members must be established and approved by the faculty of the respective academic departments/schools or programs and approved by the applicable chair/director and dean. The clinical faculty ranks include Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, and Clinical Professor. Clinical Instructor

    Persons appointed to the Clinical Instructor rank must have the appropriate professional degree. Preference is given to individuals eligible for, or certified by, the most appropriate specialty college or organization recognized by the profession. Appointments at this rank are typically for one year and are renewable. Clinical Assistant Professor

    Persons appointed to the Clinical Assistant Professor rank must have the appropriate professional degree and be certified by the appropriate college recognized by the professional organization. Credentials shall be consistent with those for appointment to Assistant Professor, with an expectation for primary commitment to the instructional and clinical teaching setting. Appointment to this rank may be from one to five years and is renewable without limit. Clinical Associate Professor

    Persons appointed to the Clinical Associate Professor rank must have the appropriate professional degree and be certified by the appropriate college recognized by the professional organization. Credentials shall be consistent with those for appointment to Associate Professor, with an emphasis on clinical accomplishments. Appointment to this rank may be from one to five years and is renewable without limit. Clinical Professor

    Persons appointed to the Clinical Professor rank must have the appropriate professional degree and be certified by the appropriate college recognized by the professional organization. Credentials shall be consistent with those for appointment to Professor, with an emphasis on clinical accomplishments. Appointment to this rank may be from one to five years and is renewable without limit.

1.8. Administrators with Faculty Rank

    1.8.1. Full-Time Administrators with Academic Rank

    Full-time administrators with academic rank are members of the University administration who hold faculty rank in probationary or tenured positions. Such persons may be assigned teaching responsibilities. This provision is intended to encompass high-level administrators, e.g. the president, vice presidents, deans, and other similarly situated persons.

    The initial appointment of full-time administrators with academic rank shall be at the academic rank appropriate for the qualifications presented. Qualifications for academic rank shall be evaluated according to the criteria set forth in Section 3 and Section 5 of this Handbook and the applicable departmental guidelines promulgated under Section 3.1 of this Handbook. These qualifications also apply to promotion in rank (see Section 1.9 鈥淨ualifications for Appointment to Rank鈥 and Section 16.12 鈥淎ppropriate Terminal Degrees for Faculty鈥).

    Related 正澳门六合彩记录资料 policy:

    1.8.2. Cooperating Faculty

    Cooperating faculty are members of the university administration or staff who hold faculty rank but not in probationary or tenured positions. Such persons鈥 rank shall be preceded by the designation 鈥渃ooperating.鈥 Such persons may be assigned teaching responsibilities.

    1.8.3. Retreat Rights

    Full-time administrators with academic rank, upon approved resignation from their administrative positions, become full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty, unless their initial contract of appointment requires them to resign their faculty position at the time they resign their administrative position. (Refer to Appendix A in this Handbook: Policy on Administrators Returning to Faculty Status.)

    Related 正澳门六合彩记录资料 policy:

1.9. Qualifications for Appointment to Rank

The initial appointment of faculty, including full-time administrators with academic rank, shall be at the rank appropriate for the qualifications presented. These qualifications apply to promotion in rank (see Section 16.12 鈥淎ppropriate Terminal Degrees for Faculty鈥). 

    1.9.1. Instructor

    An Instructor holds the minimum of a master鈥檚 degree (or equivalent, as determined by factors such as work experience, publications, and national or regional reputation in the field). An Instructor shows potential for competent teaching, scholarly activity, and institutional and public service activity relevant to educational background, teaching experience, and specified contractual obligations. An Instructor who receives an appropriate terminal degree may apply for promotion to Assistant Professor as stipulated by Section 3 鈥淓valuation鈥 and Section 5.1.1 鈥淧romotion to Assistant Professor鈥.

    Full-time teaching faculty (see section 1.3) holding the rank of Instructor before the adoption of this Handbook (1994) by the Board of Regents shall retain that rank, but may not apply for promotion to Assistant Professor.

    Edited: Updated position titles to reflect 2024 changes to Section 1.3 ("to "teaching faculty" from "non-tenure-track renewable (NTTR)") 

    1.9.2. Assistant Professor

    An Assistant Professor holds an appropriate terminal degree (or equivalent, as determined by such factors as work experience, publications, and national regional reputation in the field). A person may be appointed as an Assistant Professor without holding the appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent, but if a terminal degree is required, it must be earned within the time stipulated in the initial contract of appointment. If an appropriate terminal degree is not received within the time set forth in the initial contract, the appointment at this rank will terminate. An Assistant Professor has demonstrated competence as a teacher and potential for scholarly and creative activity and service activity as defined in college and departmental/school RPT documents.

    1.9.3. Associate Professor

    An Associate Professor holds all the qualifications of an Assistant Professor and has been judged effective as a teacher, in scholarly and creative activity, and service activity as defined in college and departmental/school RPT documents. These criteria are listed in order of importance.

    1.9.4. Professor

    A Professor holds all the qualifications of an Associate Professor and is recognized as a very effective teacher, has a record of high-quality scholarly and creative activity, has
    demonstrated significant service activity as defined in college and departmental/school RPT documents, and has attained professional recognition at the regional, national, or international level. These criteria are listed in order of importance.

    The applicant鈥檚 entire academic career will be considered, with an emphasis on activities after tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. Applications may be submitted as soon as the above criteria are met, but faculty applying for promotion to Professor will typically have completed six years at the rank of Associate Professor.

    1.9.5. Lecturer

    A Lecturer is a professionally qualified appointee whose services are contracted primarily for teaching. Lecturer positions shall be non-tenure-track and non-tenure-earning. Lecturers are not eligible for sabbatical leaves, faculty summer fellowships, or faculty project grants, but they may be eligible for university retirement under the terms of the appointment form. Lecturers with full-time appointments are eligible for participation in any appropriate University group insurance plans/benefits. Voting privileges within an educational unit may be extended to a Lecturer within that educational unit. 

    1.9.6. Part-Time Faculty

    Typically, part-time faculty hold the rank of Lecturer, or they may hold ranked adjunct positions. Tenured and tenure-track faculty may also request a term or permanent part-time appointment (see Section 1.5.2.).


1.10. Graduate Faculty

    1.10.1. Full Graduate Faculty Status

    All 正澳门六合彩记录资料 faculty who meet the SACSOC Faculty Credentials guidelines referenced in the will be granted full graduate faculty status. The SACSOC guidelines state that faculty teaching graduate or post-baccalaureate course work must have an 鈥渆arned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.鈥

    Faculty with full graduate faculty status may: 

       鈥 Teach or supervise graduate students;

       鈥 Chair a thesis or dissertation committee or serve as a committee member;

       鈥 Advise graduate students;

       鈥 Serve on Graduate Council;

       鈥 Serve as a graduate program director;

       鈥 Vote upon any issue that is presented for a vote by all graduate faculty.

    Related 正澳门六合彩记录资料 policy:

    1.10.2. Associate Graduate Faculty Status 

    As stated in the , faculty who do not meet the requirements of the SACSCOC Faculty Credentials guidelines may have their credentials evaluated by their academic department/school to determine their qualifications for
    associate graduate faculty status through alternative credentials. Final approval for all faculty credentialing, including alternative credentialing, rests with the provost.

    Faculty who receive associate graduate faculty status may:

       鈥 Teach graduate level courses;

       鈥 Serve on thesis or dissertation committees.

    Faculty who receive associate graduate faculty status may not:

       鈥 Serve as a graduate program director

       鈥 Chair a thesis or dissertation committee

       鈥 Serve on Graduate Council

       鈥 Vote on Graduate Council issues presented to all graduate faculty

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